Harbinger Consultants

Culture + Complexity + Change

SURVEY | SEQ Community Attitudes to Consultation & Engagement

South East Queensland residents are invited to participate in a survey to capture community attitudes about community engagement and consultation. The short online survey, prepared by Harbinger Consultants, will remain open until 31 July.

Harbinger Consultants’ Director John Armstrong said that he regularly received mixed messages from community members about consultation processes.

“Community consultation is a valued and expected part of planning for and in our diverse communities and an integral part of decision making processes,” he said. “While residents participate in these processes, they remain uncertain about whether concerns are being heard, especially with regard to mining, development and infrastructure projects.”

“As a firm working in community engagement and consultation, we’re keen to understand community attitudes to these processes,” he explained. “While communities expect to be consulted about matters that may impact on them, there is little information from communities and individuals about how they feel about these consultation processes.”

This survey prepared by communications, community and cultural consultancy, Harbinger Consultants, and aims to capture some preliminary information from community members in South East Queensland about their experiences of consultation and engagement. This information will help professionals better design their consultations and respond to changing community expectations about these processes.

The survey is comprised of 10 questions including some demographic questions (privacy is assured). Please answer every question. It will take less than 15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until 31 July 2011. Please complete the survey at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KRS3KL5

It is anticipated that results will be published on Harbinger Consultants’ website at https://harbingerconsultants.wordpress.com by 31 August 2011.

For more information please contact John Armstrong or Linda Carroli by email. We have also prepared an FAQ which is available on the survey site and on our site.

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